Saturday, July 13, 2013

7 Things I've Learned Recently

Since I've been short on ideas lately, I felt like an educational post would work as a crutch until I can find something more substantial to write about. Anyways, here's some random crap I've learned in the last few months or so.

-Pork chops are serious business: Late last year, some dude in Florida killed his roommate over pork chops. Yeah, apparently using 3 tablespoons of garlic is way too much and anyone who uses more than 2 should be shot to death. The economy's hitting some of us harder than others.

-Marshmallows soothe sore throats: They may look like large, white cubes of fluff, the sap from marshmallow plants can reduce throat soreness during a cold. There's no hard evidence to back up this fact, but apparently the soft, gelatinous texture of marshmallows is very appeasing to the throat.

-Mexico is fatter than us now: Yes, apparently Mexico has overtaken the US as the fattest country in America. I'm not exactly sure how this is even possible, but maybe people are starting to realize that a) tacos are awesome, and b) McDonald's buns taste like cardboard.

They do have good fries...

-I'm the only person who runs in Idaho: I like to go on runs around campus because the weather here is beautiful, but instead of seeing a campus full of runners during the summertime, I see flocks of competitive cyclists at every corner.

-Wet paper towels are the perfect way to cool your beers/sodas: Seriously, just try it. Soak a paper towel with tap water, wrap it around a can or bottle of your favorite beverage, and stick in the freezer for 15 minutes. It'll be ice cold after that, I promise.

-Kangaroos think pillows are their mommies: Even though kangaroos aren't domestic animals, some people keep baby kangaroos as pets in Australia. And if there's one thing I know about kangaroos, it's that the adults have pouches, and the youngins jump into that pouch to sleep. Since people who have them as pets don't have pouches, they nail a pillow case to a wall, and kangaroos jump inside the pillow case when it's bedtime.

And this is what their parents do.

-Iceland lacks diversity...badly: I don't mean in size--I mean in population. They only have 300,000+ people, but they have some serious problems when it comes to dating. The Islendiga-App was created as a cool way to find out whether or not someone else in Iceland is a distant relative of yours. Even though it was simply created as a way to expand one's family tree, most Icelanders have been using it to...umm...avoid incest. So yeah, if you're in Iceland and you're reading this, just make sure you take your phone or tablet to the bar with you.

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