Saturday, August 24, 2013

7 Things I've Learned Recently #4

Being back in the East Coast was awesome. I had a three-week "vacation" from my new life, so I'm using that as an excuse to my blogging absence. It's been a month since I wrote my last 7 Things I've Learned Recently. Anyways, here's the latest list of random crap I've learned recently.

-Spielberg vs Lucas - This is technically cheating since I learned this one a while ago, but it's a good one. Back in the 70s, George Lucas thought that Star Wars was going to be a huge flop after the studio changed the original story quite a bit. Incensed over what he knew would be a disaster for the studio and his legacy, Lucas made a friendly wager with established movie director Steven Spielberg.
 This is basically what happened:

Lucas: "OMG Steve, your movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind is gonna be so much better than mine."
Spielberg: "No way, Star Wars is gonna be huge."
 "Oh yeah? Wanna make a bet?"
Sure. How about this: I'll give you 2.5% of whatever Close Encounters makes and you give me 2.5% of whatever Star Wars makes.
Pff, ok. You must be nuts. Deal!

Long story short, it's estimated that Spielberg has made over $45 million thanks to this bet.

-Paula Deen is more popular than MLK (and Honey Boo Boo) - Soon after Paula Deen's highly-publicized use of the 'n' word in public, a poll was conducted among Georgia Republicans to gauge their opinion on Paula Deen and Martin Luther King Jr. And yes, Paula Deen won. I'm not saying she's necessarily a bad person--she made a very emotional public apology after the incident. Nevertheless, she shouldn't be winning a popularity contest over MLK considering the circumstances (or even before the incident for that matter).

On a separate note, Honey Boo Boo was also part of the poll and pretty much everyone had negative things to say about her. Make of that what you will.

-Sequels, sequels, sequels - Hollywood is really getting out of hand with the absurd amount of sequels and movie combos (movies that combine several franchises into one like The Avengers) it's releasing in an attempt to make money. Just look at some of the movies that are scheduled to come out in 2015:

  • The Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Batman vs. Superman
  • Finding Dory (Finding Nemo sequel)
  •  Star Wars: Episode VII
  • The Hunger Games 2 or whatever it's called
  • Snow White and the Huntsman 2 (for real?)
  • Bond 24
  • Justice League
  • Pirates of the Caribbean 5
  • Bad Boys 3
  • Terminator 5
  • Jurassic Park 4
  • Kung Fu Panda 3
  • The Smurfs 3
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks 4
  • Mission Impossible: 5
  • Prometheus 2 
  • etc.......................

Braveheart 2: We wear suits now. Herp dee derp.

-New form of weight loss - There's a new surgery that for people trying to lose weight that only costs $2000! What is it? It's called tongue-patch surgery and it's a reversible procedure where they slice open the surface of your tongue and install a patch there. The patch basically makes it extremely painful for you to eat solids because chewing becomes impossible with that thing. On the bright side, you can still eat yogurt and liquids and you'll lose a ton of weight so check it out. It's not crazy or anything.

PS: It may impair speech for 48 hours.

-The U.S. government can read your old emails - It's totally legal for the government to read emails that are 180 days old or older regardless of their content. The law was passed before everyone had an email account back in 1986, but it continues to exist now. So yeah, think about that every time you send an e-mail.

-Charge your phone or car in seconds - There could be smartphone and electric car batteries in the  near future that can be charged a hundred or even a thousand times faster than you can now. Scientists are working on creating these super-batteries right now which are made of graphene--a thick, crystallized carbon that is light, strong, and a great conductor of electricity.

-Testicle-eating fish - There's a fish from the same family as piranhas called Pacu and they love balls. Apparently they like to bite human testicles and some people call them 'ball-cutters'. They're mainly located in the Amazon, the Orinoco and the south coast of Sweden so yeah, don't say I didn't warn you.

Also, Teddy Roosevelt loved to eat pacu. He said that they were "good-sized" and their taste is "delicious." I wonder if pacus feel the same way when they see a guy swimming around the Amazon.